All cats are added except- Berrypaw-Your picture is not working!


Wildpaw and Moonleaf are missing! Where can they be?
Okay soo This is Seamist! im going to try my best to restore LightningClan! Bear With me!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


This is the nursery. Its entrace is the cave that is the closest to the ground. There is a series of ledges that allow queens and kits to climb to the second level of this two-leveled den. This makes it easier to defend against enemies and helps protect the queens and kits during an attack. Comment here if you are expecting kits or think your kits are ready to be apprenticed.

6 Meows:

☠♥Maddie♥☠ said...

*Nightstorm purred as she watched all of the kits play. These were LightningClans future warriors*


☠♥Maddie♥☠ said...

"Hi kits!" Oceansplash meowed after padding into the den

"Oceansplash! You came to see us!" Tidekit mowed jumping onto Oceansplashes back

"I brought you a fresh ball of moss to play with" Oceansplash told them letting the soft green lump roll to the ground

The kits jumped on it and started to play


Leopardshadow said...

Leopardshadow walks in shyly and announces in a small voice, " Im expecting kits!"

Darkshadow said...

Darkshadow walks in. "They are mine and well, obviously Leopardshadow's!" he practically squeaks.

Seacca said...

I'm so sorry i haven't been on! :( But Silverstorm had a kit! ^^

a white she-cat thats blind

Anonymous said...

i think im going to have my kits! *Ravenfeather said to Mountain. yet she was pleading for Firegaze to come here to see her new kits though he had goneto starclan.* i wish Firegaze was here. *mountain sat by her side* he can see us in starclan.* Ravenfeather nodded when a sharp pain came in her belly and she wailed...... the kits were coming.

LightningClan Playlist