All cats are added except- Berrypaw-Your picture is not working!


Wildpaw and Moonleaf are missing! Where can they be?
Okay soo This is Seamist! im going to try my best to restore LightningClan! Bear With me!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Three Abandoned Kits

Tornadostar, Stargaze, her apprentice Dazzlepaw, and Leopardshadow were patrolling the borders. The musky scent of upturned leaf-litter hung in the air like mist on a cold morning on the moorland. Dazzlepaw tasted the air on Stargaze's command to practice her scenting skills when she looked at Tornadostar, bewildered.
"I smell milk," she meowed, confused. "How can that be?" The she-cat looked at the LightningClan leader.
"Impossible," growled Tornadostar, tasting the air herself. Her silver eyes widened in amaze. "Dazzlepaw's right. I do smell milk." Stargaze look taken aback. How could there be the scent of milk when there was queens in the nursery at the time?
The patrol of cats followed the scent around a path formed by countless moons of paws. The scent ended at the Great Oak and all the cats sniffed around the roots of the tree, trying to pick the scent up again. Stargaze smelled the lightest trace of a sweet scent with a horrid smell almost covering it up completely. "Fox!" she growled, beckoning the rest of the patrol over with her tail. "I found the scent, but it's covered with fox scent."
"What? Fox?" meowed Tornadostar, inhaling and drawing the scents of the forest into her opened mouth. Suddenly, a thin wailing sound sounded from further in the forest.
"It sounds like it came from Moss Rock," hissed Leopardshadow, taking off, the patrol hot on her tail. The LightningClan leader held her tail up to tell the cats to stop. Dazzlepaw saw the signal too late and crashed into Stargaze, her mentor.
"Mousebrain!" she hissed at the pale ginger apprentice. The apprentice shuffled her paws in the dirt, ashamed.
"The milk scent is freshest over here," stated Leopardshadow just as the wailing sounded again, causing them all to jump.
"It's kits!" meowed Stargaze, racing the last few fox-lengths to Moss Rock and looking for the old fox den an earlier patrol had reported to her about. The wails for help were coming from inside that den and she was going to save those kits!
Tornadostar and the rest of the patrol dashed over to the fox den, glaring at the LightningClan deputy. The deputy wedged herself down into the den, which was about a tail-length long. She saw three kits huddled against the dirt wall, terrified as she wiggled toward them.
"It's okay," she soothed. "Is there anymore of you?"
"No!" squeaked the boldest of the litter; a tortoiseshell-black-and-white with green eyes. "But a fox was here day ago. We hid inside a crack in the big mossy rock."
"Come on," meowed Stargaze, pushing the kits out the entrance of the fox den.
Tornadostar looked horrified that three kits would be in a fox den and they looked about 2 moons old. Leopardshadow took a light brown and white kit in her mouthed and started to camp. Tornadostar took the little tortoiseshell and Stargaze took a little golden tabby gingerly in her jaws. They slowly made their way to camp, where Shinestream was waiting, warned by Dazzlepaw. The ginger apprentice had run ahead of the patrol to tell the Clan about their findings. They dropped the kits off in the medicine cat den and went to talk in Tornadostar's den.

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